A Typical Day Inside the Unusual Mind of Katy Ball

April, 2014

By Ecko Grant

Good god I forgot my name. wait ok, dang it now what's the date.

Oops my pencil slipped this is an opening to doodle on my page.

Did I make too much eye contact with the teacher or not enough.

I wonder if these circles in the linoleum are landing pads for the mothership.

Is this person I'm passing in the hallway worthy of a "hi" or should I just nod?

I said hi and they didn't respond, is everything awkward or is it just me?

Wait I missed two minutes of this lecture and now nothing can ever make sense again.

If you walk just a little faster I'll give you 20 bucks.

Hello yes I don't think you're aware, but I have class in three minutes and you need to get out of my way.

I miss my dog.


As we all know very well, teenagers in 2014 think they have better things to do other than sit at a desk for eighty minutes four times a day. But what we don't know are the exact thoughts going through their minds. My friend and “client,” Katy Ball, gladly decided to show the world just what she thinks. It's a Monday morning, the morning after February break. One of the most groggy Monday mornings a teenager can experience. As Katy prepared to take notes for her class, the first thought was a frightening one:

"Oh God! What is the date and how do I spell my name??"

Luck, as always, had its ways to remind Katy her name. Inside her class notes lies her name. The date … well, that's another story. The Monday-morning-not-enough-coffee-headaches kick in and her hand slips while still gripping the pen. Drawing a dark black line, Katy feels a jolt of joy:

"Perfect! This is the perfect excuse for doodling!!"

As the class continues, Katy continues to take notes, but more so doodling. Another anxious thought comes to mind:

"Did I make enough contact with the teacher, or too much? I hope he doesn't think I was staring ..."

Sometimes the long glances with teachers can get out of hand. Katy always wants to make a good impression, but not a stalker-like impression. The bell rings, waking her up from could be clinically described as a classroom coma. She avoids eye contact, which is simply her way of avoiding awkward conversations.

"I wonder if the linoleum circles in the ground and places for space ships to land!" Our school's choice of tiles is another question for another day.

As she turns the corner for the stairs, Katy sees one of her classmates:

"Should I say hey, or just smile and nod? Well, I said hey, but there wasn't a response. OH GOD!!! Did I say it loud enough? Is my lipstick on my teeth? The pain!!!"

Climbing down the mountainous stairs is a slow teenager.

"I'll give you twenty if you walk a little faster!! No? Okay. But you do know I have class in two minutes, right?"

The slow teenager give Katy time to think about her dog, "I miss her." Then all of a sudden, a song comes to mind! Thank you! “Under Pressure,” by Queen. I asked Katy what the importance of the song was. "It sums up the daily feelings I have,” she said, aloud. Most of us can relate.